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COVID-19 Policies and Procedures
updated: August 2021

Complete our COVID-19 screening HERE


The health and safety of our dancers, our faculty and our visitors is very important to us. The Government of Alberta has produced guidance on continuing best practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. We will be following this guidance.


-Live, virtual options will be available for families/dancers who do not yet feel comfortable coming back to class.



Class Structure/Capacity/Masking:​

  • Class numbers are controlled based on classroom size

  • All dancers MUST be registered. No drop-ins will be allowed. Attendance will be taken each class. 

  • Masks will continue to be mandatory in all common areas at all times for all dancers and staff

  • Masks will be worn continue to be worn in the classroom, the dancers will get breaks. Teachers will use their discretion throughout the class to ensure dancers are comfortable *this is in line with what school boards are currently doing. It will be reviewed on a regular basis as environmental factors change. 


Before Leaving Home:

  • Please check your dancer’s temperature prior to coming to the studio. If they have any signs of fever (38 degrees or higher) or any sign of illness, please keep them home.


Signs of Illness:

  • No one with any signs of illness will be permitted inside the studio

  • If your dancer develops any of the symptoms below in or outside of the studio that could be related to COVID-19 they should follow all recommended health measures before returning to the studio. Symptoms include (for those under the age of 18):

    • Fever

    • Cough

    • Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing

    • Loss of taste or smell

  • If your dancer is ill please notify the office and have your dancer attend class virtually that day. 


Drop Off/Pick Up

  • Unless you need to speak to the office or a teacher, please drop dancers 7+ off at the door to continue to keep the number of people upstairs to a minimum, if you need to visit the studio please keep your visit to under 15 minutes

  • Parents of our dancers 6 and under may come upstairs but are also strongly encouraged to leave the building once their dancer is in class to minimize the total people in the facility

  • Please help us minimize the dancers in our building at any one time by  arriving no more than 5 minutes before classes and picking up no more than 5 minutes after their classes end.

  • Please come dressed ready for class - do not plan to change at the studio whenever possible.



Additional Cleaning and Hygiene Procedures:

  • Full premises will be fully and professionally cleaned each evening

  • Disinfecting of high touch surfaces will occur on a frequent basis. This includes: desks, worktops, countertops, ledges, lobby benches, sinks, faucets, toilets, handrails, ballet barres, interior door handles, exterior door handles, stereo knobs/buttons/surrounding areas

  • Employees, contractors, students and visitors will be advised to wash their hands upon entry and as often as needed, with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use approved hand sanitizer.

  • Hand sanitizing stations will be placed at points of entry to the business and at other locations in the business where people are known to place hands. Health Canada- approved hand sanitizer with greater than 60% alcohol content will be provided

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth; posters displayed in visible areas.

  • Encourage respiratory etiquette (e.g., coughing or sneezing into a bent elbow, promptly disposing of used tissues in the trash) is followed; posters displayed in visible areas.

  • AHS precaution and prevention posters will be clearly and visibly displayed in all appropriate area

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